We're so grateful for all your support in raising funds to complete our goal to build a clean water well in the Central African Republic. We've raised $3,250.00 in just over 1 month!
The truth is we still need your help, and NO we're not asking you for more money. We are asking you to share the cause with your friends. Please post it to F
acebook, twitter, email, text message friends, etc. The more exposure we get the closer to reaching our goal of $5,000.00
We have some great local sponsors who have generousily donated some rad stuff for the raffle. So not only are you donating to a great cause, but you have a really good chance of winning some amazing prizes.
After the social paddle on Oct. 23rd we will celebrate on the beach at the Newport Aquatic Center with appetizers and snacks provided by Blue Water Grill. The raffle will take place on the beach after the event around 2:30pm.
For more details see: